JWs literally discourage people from having the heavenly hope. That puts them on very dangerous grounds with God (from a believer perspective). It's like they're pressuring people to refuse a scriptural hope. Also the murmuring and judging that goes on at the memorial when someone partakes for the first time . . . think about it. Imagine that God anoints someone and people who claim to be christian are scoffing at it and looking upon it with suspicion! This is a very serious issue from a christian standpoint!
Even worse, christian elders will interrogate the person to try to dissuade him from being anointed or question the legitimacy of his anointing as if to imply that God's choice of who he anoints is subject to the approval and scrutiny of men! The JWs view of the heavenly hope and their treatment of those professing to be anointed is very, very blasphemous, presumptuous and wicked from a christian standpoint. I think it is one of the most glaringly atrocious things about this religion professing to be christian, and which isn't given enough spotlight.
There's a scripture where Jesus says something like: "Woe to you scribes and pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut up the kingdom of heaven before men. You do not go in nor do you permit others to go in.". That scripture perfectly describes JWs' behavior toward the heavenly hope and their treatment of those who newly profess to be anointed.